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Posts by: Kristy Fiely


Just like any family, we are always looking for a yummy but nutritious snack that will get us through to dinnertime. If its quick, easy to make and easy to grab and go, that is an extra bonus! I found this recipe for Oatmeal Energy Bites awhile back and my family LOVES them! OATMEAL PROTEIN BITES These simple and sweet protein balls quickly became a family favorite! They are full of protein rich oats and

Toddler Praying Rosary

The world is just a mess right now as we are all trying to deal with the quick onset pandemic that is COVID-19. The country is slowly shutting down as the virus starts to affect our people. One preventative step that rocked the worlds of thousands of Catholics is Masses being cancelled. When many dioceses, including our own, made this announcement we were all heartbroken. How will we feel that connection with Jesus without the

Simply Sublime Nursing Bra

Some links in this post are affiliate links. My family thanks you for your support! After finding out we were pregnant for number six I knew one of the first essentials I was going to need was a good and supportive maternity and nursing bra. I spent some time doing some research and reading reviews before I dove in and found it…my idea of the perfect maternity and nursing bra! FINDING THE PERFECT MATERNITY BRA

young girl with glory be prayer card

As a Catholic mother of five (almost six!) I am constantly striving to raise my children well in their faith. It’s well known that children learn the most about Jesus and their faith at home…in the domestic church! And learning their basic prayers is a great place to start. To help with this, I created fun, Catholic Kids Prayer Cards Printable! This post may contain affiliate links. Thank you for supporting my family! KIDS PRAYER

Lent Home Decor
Catholic Faith Home

Our Lenten Sacrifice Jars


I love finding new ways to teach our children gratitude and the gift of sacrifice. Lent is an excellent time of year to do this, as we remember how Jesus sacrificed for us! To do this, each Lent we set up our Lenten Sacrifice Jars! Below is how we use our jars and how you can start this tradition in your home as well! The 3 pillars of Lent As most Catholics know, there are

ultrasound of baby #6
Family Pregnancy

Baby #6 is on the way!


We are overjoyed to announce that we are adding a sixth little member to our tribe! We have prayed for this sweet baby and our prayers were answered! I am currently 13 weeks along…due August 30th, 2020!


Valentine’s Day is such a fun holiday and I love to celebrate with my kids! They get so excited to share their Valentine’s at school during their Valentine’s Day celebrations. The costs can easily get out of hand though so I wanted to share with you these super cheap DIY Bubble Valentines and I even included a FREE tag printable! KIDS BUBBLE VALENTINES To keep things on budget but add a personal touch, we came


Marlee’s Tween Room Tour


Over the last few years we made some major renovations to the outside of our house. The outside is finally everything we’ve dreamed of but the inside still needs some updating. Fortunately, Marlee got a brand new room with our addition so I thought I would share her fun yet simple style! So here you go…Marlee’s tween girl room tour! Product links included, some of which may be affiliated! Keeping a neutral base When we


We added a new craft to our holiday fun this year and made some yummy smelling ornaments for our Christmas tree! These easy DIY Cinnamon Ornaments are a perfect holiday craft and make great gifts as well! If you are looking for something to fill your day before all the Christmas activities, this is it! And you will love each time you walk past the Christmas tree you get the yummy smell of cinnamon! DIY

Muffins Cooling

I am all about simple these days so when the air turns cooler and fall is in the air, I look for all the fall recipes! These super simple, two-ingredient pumpkin muffins are the perfect warm treat for our family! I love whipping up a batch of these and giving them as a treat for breakfast or giving them as a tasty after-school snack! Super simple pumpkin muffins This recipe is seriously so simple! All